Why Hire a Professional?

Why Hire a Professional?

This is the question many people ask when they consider painting their own home. A typical reply is often another question. “It will be cheaper to do it myself, right?”

Then comes the big think.

What quality of work am I capable of?

How much time will it take to clean, move furniture, box up a few valuables and prep each room?

What painting equipment do I already have?

Do I know anyone who’d lend me supplies? Are they in good condition or even the ones I will need for my home?

Can I coordinate a quick meetup for the borrowed, and how much additional time and money will it cost me to purchase all the materials I need to complete the work?

What happens if I get pulled away from completing the painting before it’s done?

Can I handle a few extra hours, days or even weeks without the room or rooms being put back together?

Consider that most paint jobs require these basic supplies:

  • Brushes
  • Caulking, filler and applicators
  • Dust mask or respirator
  • Drop sheets or plastic
  • Ladders or sturdy step stools
  • Primer
  • Paint
  • Rollers, roller pole, trays and tray liners
  • Sandpaper and sanding poles
  • Tape

Your hired team of professional painters will already have all of this equipment and the latest technology in sprayers and applicators that make for an efficient and polished job. Doing it yourself may save you very little in comparison to the investment in equipment, paint and the time it takes you to do the work. Surely you have other endeavors that make better use of your talents and time. Do you really want to spend time away from your family or to take vacation time off from work to paint?


If the painting you need done involves ladders, especially tall extension ladders, scaffold or any other special equipment, you should to leave it to a professional. Your safety is not worth risking. As professionals, we provide accountability to each other for on the job safety. This includes keeping a watchful eye as the job progresses on our equipment and supplies to avoid well…

Professional Knowledge 

With Bucks County Painters LLC, you can rest assured that as professional painting contractors, we know how to do the proper surface preparation to ensure a long-lasting finish. Experience counts. Even with the help of a paint store pro or internet research, you’ll need time to consider details. There’s an overwhelming selection of rollers, brushes, types of paint and finishes to decide upon.


We strive to provide high-quality workmanship to avoid common pitfalls of do-it-yourselfers such as: roller bumps on ceilings, wiggly cut in lines, or unevenness in the coats and trim work. As professionals, knowing the tricks to avoid these errors comes with our experience.

More importantly, we take the time to ensure our quality. We’d rather spend extra time on the places that need more attention than get in and out just so we can say we got the job done. And we’re not afraid to say that sure, some clients would have made excellent painters of their own home doing their due diligence to get the job right, but because we do this daily, we can generally finish the job in a fraction of the time that you could at a high level of competency and quality.